Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Classrooms’ innovation

By taking advantage of technology, virtual classrooms have become common than traditional face to face classrooms. It is commonplace which students in virtual classrooms to be of different part of world with different culture and backgrounds, languages, habits and common senses. This is one reason that technology is helping education to be accessible.
The video is about Classrooms’ innovation.


Futurist Prediction

The virtual world is a new field in computer science. It does not matter if we want or we do not want, usage of a virtual world is becoming pervasive. Virtual classes are becoming more popular, and in the future, most classes will be virtual classes. Like the other aspect of humans’ lives, education is taking advantage of technology. Education is going to use a virtual world to make education convenient for people. People will have access to virtual classes anytime from anywhere.

If education will not have another choice except virtual classes or when virtual classes have more advantages of traditional classes. We need to be ready and start shifting to using those virtual tools. It is very important to know how it can help to have active students in a virtual world. And know if students in a virtual class are as educated as traditional classroom students or even in a higher level.

One issue about virtual classrooms is; how can we increase student’s participation for a team work in virtual classes. People have deferent characteristics, deferent needs, deferent thoughts, and etc in real world. It’s too hard to get few people to do a team work. Even it is worth in virtual world, because in virtual world, they get to getter form all around the world. In addition of stated differences; they have deferent culture, deferent language, and deferent religion. These make challenging more difficult.
Traditional courses are reading a textbook then remembering the facts. In online classes, the course information is experience by students, and then conclusions will be drawn about it to store, process and learn it. Students incorporate the concepts of the course and use these concepts to complete their assignment (case study, projects, role play, labs, discussions, simulations, interactive games, and if any other learning techniques).
In order to motivate students to participate in course activities more, the first step that courses need to take is shifting students to learners. Getting students evolve in real world solutions and using instructors as mentors and coaches to guide students by providing feedback, synchronous and asynchronous interaction. Information will explore by students and then it will be structured to form analogies and will be applied.
Teamwork will be encouraged and students will play the collaboration role. Having a strong online collaboration skills and communication will cause professional benefits. The requirements for a computer supported cooperative project are; understanding of objectives, guidance, good communication, feedback.
In traditional courses, content are providing by subject matter and presentation medium. Also course designers focus on presentation medium not contents as a resource. Focusing on application and transformation of information instead of presentation of facts in another step to provide an active team work.
Virtual classes are challenging to take advantage of technology in order to exchange information and ideas between instructors and their students by using as many of the senses as possible.

Anil, Aggarwal (2000). Web-based learning and teaching technologies: opportunities and challenges. Chapter II, “Opportunities in Web-Based Teaching: The Future of Education. Page 17, IDEA Group publishing, Retrieved from: http://books.google.com/books?id=iv7zGhspyz4C&lpg=PP1&ots=M8Fbni5KxD&dq=web%20based%20learning%20tools&lr=&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q=web%20based%20learning%20tools&f=false
Anil, Aggarwal (2003). Web-based education: leaning from experience. Part I, WBE: An Overview, Current and Future. Chapter I. A Guide to eCourse Management: The Stakeholders’ Perspectives. Publication: Hershey, PA Idea Group Publishing, Retrieved from: netlibrary.com.
Calongne, Cynthia. M. (2002). Promoting Team Interaction in the Online Classroom.  The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges. Rocky Mountain Conference. October 18-19, 2002. Denver, Colorado. Volume 18, Number 1, pp. 218-227. Retrieved from http://library.colorado-tech.com/techreportalpha.htm
Calongne, Cynthia. M. (2007). Virtual Worlds in Online Education: Are You Ready to Teach in Second Life?. E-Learning for the Next Generation: Looking Ahead, 2007. TELECOOP Conference.April 11-13, 2007, Estes Park, Colorado. Retrieved from  http://www.telecoop.org/conference/presentations07.htm
Kirkman, B.L., Rosen, B., Gibson, C.B., Tesluk, P.E. & McPherson, S.O. (2002). Five challenges to virtual team success. Lessons from Sabre, Inc”. Academy of Management Executive.
Marguerita McVay, Lynch, & Maggie McVay, Lynch (2002). The online educator: a guide to creating the virtual classroom. Chapter 3; Building support system, Page 50. Published by RoutledgeFalmer, USA. Retrieved from http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=QRROoau84FoC&oi=fnd&pg=PP12&dq=virtual+classroom&ots=luSx-4ehAV&sig=6hWtOOYkUWDrLI-u8ykOtw5Oaco#v=onepage&q=&f=false
Moore, M. G., Anderson, W. G. (2003). Handbook of Distance Education. Part VI, The Economics of Distance Education. Cost-Effectiveness of Online Education. Publication: Mahwah, N.J., & Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Retrieved from: netlibrary.com
How SDP process that would be used to analyze an online education?

We have all experienced that any time we are facing any issue, we benefit of dialogue. And we know how frustration is an unprogressive discussion. What helps a diverse and large group of people to lead their dialogue to progress is democracy. Christakis, A. N., & Bausch, K. C. (2006) believe Co-Laboratories Democracy;
  • Discover root causes,
  • Adopt consensual action plans
  • Develop teams dedicated to implementing those plans
In online classes, students incorporate from different places with different cultures, religions, habits, interests, and so on. In these classes, students communicate in different manners. In other words, online teams are geographically diffused team. They might have team members from different backgrounds or cultures. Getting these students together with their diversity, and helping them to accomplish all course goals, need to have good team relationships. SDP process can be used to analyze an effective online course. To have an effective online course, special technology and tools are needed. Students need a learning environment which supports their needs and is an easy access course. In other words, the designers of these courses are walking a fine line between course options and tools.
How does the SDP support planning for innovation and change? 

The SDP supports online education by providing the step built an online education. The SDP can analyze these steps:
  • Deciding what kind of online course students need
  • Setting up online learning goals
  • Creating structure of course
  • Creating schedule
  • Communication media
  • Innovating
  • Evaluating

Calongne, C. M. (2002). “Promoting team interaction in the online classroom”, Technical Report , Computer Science Department, CTU-CS-2002-002, Retrieved from http://library.colorado-tech.com/papers/2002/tr02calongne002.pdf
Christakis, A. N., & Bausch, K. C. (2006). How People Harness Their Collective Wisdom and Power to Construct the Future in Co-Laboratories of Democracy (Research in Public Management). Illustrated edition.
Pearce, C., & Artemesia (2009). Communities Of Play: emergent Cultures In Multiplayer Games And Virtual World. Massachusetts: Massachusetts Institue Of Technlogy.

Delphi and NGT

The modified NGT is an evaluation tool which can complement or replace other educational tools like surveys. Also it can be used to evaluate established courses or new curricula courses or programs. Its features which are NGT advantages are:
  • Produces rank-ordered
  • Weighted
  • Semi-quantitative data on learners’ perceptions of the strengths and weaknesses of a course
  • It generates both positive and negative feedback
  • And also it minimizes the influence that a “vocal minority” of learners.
NGT has three research based fundamental;
  • Nominal’ Groups
  • Round Robin’ element
  • Reliable communication requires
The Delphi method is a qualitative and quantitative research technique which is suited when phenomena knowledge is uncompleted. Also it is suitable for research projects which focus on solutions, forecasts, opportunities and problems because it is a fluid discipline ripe for research. Delphi has many varieties such as, sample size, methodological orientation, mode of interaction, and the number of rounds. Rigor can be added to the method by considering these choices.
The advantages of Delphi:
  • The greater advantage of Delphi is that he researcher will validate the results, by triangulation, with another research approach.
  • The Delphi approach can be adapted to a particular situation creatively and aggressively.
  • When adapting the approach, there is a need to balance validity with innovation.

Dobbie, A., MD., Rhodes, M., FRCGP, Tysinger, J. W., PhD., & Freeman, J., MD. (2004). Using a modified nominal group technique as a curriculum evaluation tool. Family Medicine.
Skulmoski, G., Hartman, F. T., & Krahn, J. (2007). The Delphi method for graduate research. Journal of Information Technology Education. Vol. 6.

How to fool a GPS

Todd Humphreys: How to fool a GPS

The Department of Defense originally developed Global Position System (GPS) as a military system. Selective Availability (SA) was employed by military to degrade the signal globally for national security reasons.
On May 2, 2000, Bill Clinton switched the satellite of GPS (Global Position System). Improved technologies allowed GPS every civilian GPS receiver around the globe to downgrade the signal’s quality on a regional basis. Users will be able to pinpoint locations up to ten times more accurately then they used to do.
GPS does not just tell the user which street they are on, but what part of the street they are on. GPS made the paper map obsolete. Another revolution in Geo Location Accuracy has changed meter level positioning to cm level or even mm level positioning.
Professor Robert Langdon is working on GPS dot which is a tracking device accrued within 2 feet anywhere on the globe. GPS dot was impossible. One reason for impossibility of GPS dot was that GPS did not work indoors. And the other reason was that they could not make a GPS device that small.
But the GPS receivers which were recently released, are in the size of CM and more sensitive than ever before. Now GPS dot is possible in the real world, not just in science-fiction movies. We can buy GPS dot in bulk and stick them on anything we want to track. For example, you can stick a GPS dot on your wallet and never lose your wallet or you would never lose your child in Disneyland.).
The advantage of GPS dot:
· More sensitivity
· Size
· User won’t lose anything.
There are several tools to fool a GPS signals. One effective way is using a device named Wave Bubble. Wave Bubble is unopened GPS jammers which Lemur Freed developed. This device cleans personal space. It creates a bubble around the user which the GPS signal cannot penetrate.

The other tool to fool a GPS signals is the GPS Spoofer. This device does not jam the signals but fools them.
